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 What are Meetcoins?


Meetcoins are the credit system at the heart of Meetmate, designed to add value and accountability to every connection you make.


Here’s what you need to know:


  • One Meetcoin per invitation: When you send or accept an invitation, one Meetcoin is automatically deducted from your balance.

  • Commitment matters: This system ensures users are committed to their plans, making every meetup more meaningful.

  • Fairness for cancellations: If someone cancels an accepted invitation, their Meetcoin is not refunded, but the other user receives theirs back along with an extra one as compensation.


 How to Get Meetcoins?


Running low on Meetcoins? Don’t worry, getting more is simple and affordable!

  • Free Meetcoins: Every user starts with one free Meetcoin upon creating their profile. Plus, you’ll receive one additional free Meetcoin every month from the day you sign up.

  • Buying Meetcoins: Once you’ve used up your current balance, you’ll see a "Buy Meets" button instead of "Meet" when selecting a location. 

  • No expiration: The best part? Your Meetcoins never expire, so you can use them whenever you want.

To purchase more Meetcoins, you first need to use up the ones you already have!


 Where can I see how many Meetcoins I have?


You can check your available Meetcoins in two simple ways:


  1. Through the subscription settings: Go to "Menu" → "Settings" → "Subscription" to see not only how many Meetcoins you have but also your current plan details.

  2. Quick view: Simply click on "Menu" and scroll to the bottom. You’ll find your Meetcoin balance displayed alongside its iconic logo.


Please note: If your Meetcoin balance is at 0, you won’t be able to view any received invitations until you replenish your balance.

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