What is "Events"?
Meetmate understands that finding someone to join you for an event can sometimes be a challenge. Maybe your friends don’t share your taste in music, or they’re simply unavailable, leaving you to miss out on experiences you’d love to attend.
The "Events" feature allows you to create an event and share all the necessary details about it. This way, other users who are interested can reach out and join you. It’s the perfect way to connect with people who share your interests and make new memories together!
How to Create an Event?
Creating an event on Meetmate is quick and easy! Here’s how:
Go to "Menu" → "Events."
Tap the "+" icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen.
Fill out all the necessary details to ensure your event can be found easily:
Upload a photo (we recommend using the event’s flyer for quick identification).
Select the date and time of the event.
Add the event name.
Write a brief description.
Include the names of any artists performing.
Enter the location name.
Choose the exact address using the built-in search tool.
Once you’ve completed everything, hit "Create” and you’re done!
Your event will now appear under "Events" → "My Events."
How to Join an Event?
If you’d like to join an event, follow these steps:
Go to "Menu" → "Events" → "Join."
In this section, you’ll find a search bar to help you quickly locate the event you’re looking for.
It’s simple, convenient, and a great way to connect with others who share your interests.
How to Edit or Delete My Event?
To edit or delete your event, follow these steps:
Enter the event you want to manage.
At the top-right corner, you’ll see two icons: Edit and Delete.
Edit: If you select this option, you’ll be able to update all the details you originally entered when creating the event.
Delete: If you choose to delete the event, you’ll be asked to confirm the action. Once confirmed, your event will be permanently deleted, along with any chats from users who contacted you about it.